sim | Animation

1. Concept Development

  • Brainstorming: Generate ideas for the animation's theme, style, and purpose.

  • Storyboarding: Sketch out the sequence of events to visualize the flow and timing of the animation.

  • Scriptwriting: The client is to provide a script if the animation includes narration or dialogue.

2. Design and Pre-Production

  • Asset Design: Create detailed designs for characters, props, and environments. This can include concept art and style guides.

  • Modeling: Build 3D models of the characters, props, and environments in 3ds Max.

  • Texturing: Apply textures to the 3D models to give them color and detail. This can involve creating UV maps and using texture painting or image textures.

  • Rigging: Set up the skeletons and controls for any characters or objects that need to move. Rigging involves creating bones and setting up inverse kinematics (IK) and forward kinematics (FK) systems.

  • Camera Setting: Design camera movements, matching camera with photography, such as site photos and aerial photos*.

3. Animation

  • Blocking: Roughly position the characters and objects in key poses to establish timing and placement.

  • In-Betweening: Create the intermediate frames between key poses to smooth the animation.

  • Refining: Fine-tune the movements. This includes adjusting timing, easing, and secondary actions.

  • Adding Details: Incorporate small details like movements, and simulations.

4. Lighting and Shading

  • Lighting Setup: Position lights and test to create mood and enhance the visual appeal of the scene.

5. Rendering

  • Draft Renders: Produce 800-pixel raw animation or image sequences to confirm before proceeding with the final render.

  • Final Renders: Option in HD (1920 x 1080) and 4K (3840 x 2160)

6. Post-Production

  • Compositing: Combine the rendered passes and make adjustments to color, contrast, and effects.

  • Adding Effects: Include additional visual effects such as motion blur, lens flares, and depth of field.

  • Sound Design: Add sound effects, music*, and voiceovers* to enhance the animation.

7. Final Output

  • Exporting: Export the final animation in the desired format and resolution for its intended use, whether that's for web, broadcast, or another medium.

  • Review and Revisions: Review the final output and make necessary adjustments or corrections. (Total revisions: 2 times)

*Aerial Photos, music, and voiceovers are not included in the package.